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Get a File



Get a File


Path Parameters

    fileID stringrequired

    The unique identifier for a file.


    data File
    id uuid

    The unique identifier for this file.

    type string

    The type represents the object being returned.

    file_name string

    The name of the file.

    mime_type string

    The mime type of the file.

    file_size integer

    The size of the file. Required when uploading files.

    public boolean

    DEPRECATED Whether the file public or not. Required when uploading files.

    meta FileMeta
    timestamps object

    The date and time the file was created.

    created_at string

    The date and time the file was created.

    dimensions object

    The file dimensions.

    width integer

    The width of the file.

    height integer

    The height of the file.

    links object

    Links are used to allow you to move between requests.

    self string

    Single entities use a self parameter with a link to that specific resource.

    link object

    The publicly available URL for this file.

    href string

    The publicly available URL for this file.

Authorization: http

name: bearerAuthtype: httpscheme: bearer
curl -L -X GET 'https://' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Request Collapse all
Base URL
— pathrequired

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